Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Jeff used a great word in a comment to my last post that sums up what I've discovered in the last couple days - reengage. For me, it's not as much about the denomination, but about my own learning and development. I find it quite easy to be about the business of what needs to get done at a given time. I also find it pretty easy to be about things that are coming down the pike - dreaming up the next big thing. But, as Bill Hybels puts it in his book Courageous Leadership, "Self Leadership" is something I really need to continue to work at. Therefore, I'm re-engaging some of the books I've been slowly slogging through. Hopefully, before Aidan is born, I can punch out a few of these books I've been "reading" for the past 6 months or more - and get to the growing stack of Amazon purchases on my bookshelf...

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