Sunday, August 07, 2005

Talking is good...

We just had a wonderful time with friends this evening. And interestingly enough, we didn't watch a movie. In fact, we almost spent the ENTIRE time with them sitting around and talking. And afterwards, Bridgette commented, "I really like talking with them. They're easy and fun to talk with."

Now this comment seems quite innocuous, but I also think it cuts deep into a social... "problem" (that may be too strong a word, but whatever). We don't talk enough. We spend a lot of time watching things, being specators, but I think we spend less and less time anymore actually talking.

So, I'm going to help facilitate this, I'm going to stop writing. Please, feel free to talk amongst yourselves...


jlee said...

you know that i like to talk...

i think that your observation can fit into the larger category of friendship. i am convinced that people need basic friendship 'training' in this world. our disconnected world makes it very easy to go through life without the skills for being a true friend.

Unknown said...

The funny thing about this whole idea of course, is that here we are, posting back and forth... I mean, it's talking, but it's not really "talking", it's not eye-to-eye, ear-to-ear, soul-to-soul. Technology is good, but it's also bad...