I hadn't realized it's been over a year since I posted to this blog, wow. Now, I know I posted to my other blog... where is it again... but not much at all in that time. So, here's a quick photo and note to all of those people who'd check here - which are the same people who know us anyway.
Reflecting on this past year - it was one year ago that we were eagerly expecting our beautiful little Bria-girl to be born. By now, Bridgette was looking quite pregnant and the questions were coming in daily - how long? She was due... I can't even remember the date now, but with 2 boys coming early (3 1/2 weeks and a few days) respectively, we figured she'd be early too. Not so fast. Bridgette was induced a couple days afterward, and on a Monday Bria was born. Since then, "upside down" doesn't completely describe our lives.
Nearly a year into being out-numbered though, and we're starting to get the hang of it. It seems we go to bed with a LITTLE less laundry piled up and dishes in the sink, we're USUALLY sleeping through the night (provided no ear-infections or runny noses or "accidents" require attention) and the boys are being a bit more self-sufficient and Bria is able to hold her own when they "play" with her now. My-oh-my, how life has been changing.
But it seems like life continues to change outside of our control, doesn't it? "We plan, God laughs?!" Being open to God's plans is tricky. Two months ago, I thought one thing. Today, I don't know. They key to it all is being grounded in God. No matter what happens, no matter where it happens, no matter to whom it happens, being solidly founded in our relationship with God is key. Because at the end of the day, when we look back, we'll see God's hand guiding and we'll be much more joyful and content if we were open to that guiding...
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