I was in worship today, listening to John preach. We're finishing up our Advent series on John 3:16, "...would not be lost but have eternal life" was the final phrase in the verse and it was the the focus of the sermon. John's main point, as I saw it, was that we need to have more of an imagination about what "eternal life" really means. He made a comment about some people not being excited about heaven, simply because they had a weak view of heaven. And I started thinking.
I've gone back and forth about heaven - being excited and not. And I think part of it has to do with how ready I am to be unselfish. Because really, as John was saying, free ice cream and no bedtimes are weak ideas of heaven - no imagination. But, if life on earth and our mission here as Christians has ANYTHING to do with heaven, I've got to think that our highest and most important mission will continue to be service to others and be outward focused. Life here, despite what the Westminster Shorter Catechism says, is not simply enjoying God as if we're some kind of spiritual consumer. Heaven has got to be about serving others - working out what Christ showed us on earth. And if that's the case, I'm thinking that heaven will look like hell to us who are unwilling to set ourselves aside. However, hell will probably still feel like hell because we are unwilling to to serve others...
1 comment:
Hi Don,
What you are saying makes sense. Heaven will not be static, but dynamic. In other words, we will not be statues for angels to perch on, but we will be instruments of the Lord more so than we are now in these lowly bodies.
C.S. Lewis writes about the meaning of glorification in is essay/sermon Weight of Glory (http://www.doxaweb.com/assets/doxa.pdf). I think your blog is the start of a completing of what Lewis begins in the final paragraph of his sermon. Take a look at the whole 9 page sermon if you have time.
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