Monday, April 03, 2006

First Love...

When Bridgette & I first started dating, there were certain things that we did, certain things that I did for her. But as our relationship moved along, some of those things were set aside, just as most of us men do. Unfortunately, like all of us, the question comes "how come you don't do ______ anymore?"

I realized something as I was praying this morning, that this was a fairly good analogy of my spiritual life. I felt like God was saying - "you've lost your first love - go back to what you did at first" Which included a heck of a lot more prayer and reading of my bible.

As I've been at Princeton, I've kinda felt that there's a definite lack of that, there are a number of people who feel they're struggling - not with their faith per se, but more so maintaining the same kind of relationship with Christ that existed before they came here. Princeton is an academic institution, and it can sap you if you don't continue to do the things that got you here - spiritually. No one is holding your hand and asking you if you prayed, if you read the bible devotionally, if you're following Jesus as your LORD. It's not out of maliciousness or anything, it's not some kind of Liberal plot or anything like that. It's simply the way it is.

So, personally, I'm being challenged by the words of "him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks amon gthe seven golden lampstands." who calls me out saying "You have forsaken your first love... do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamptsand from its place..."


Anonymous said...

That is a very cute photo of the two of you.

Unknown said...

thanks dave!